Wednesday 30 April 2014

Throwback Thursday: My Prom

      Prom. It's the event where almost every teen girl looks forward to. It's like one step closer to our princess fantasy, where we have our own prince charming, we get to wear a pretty dress, we get to look good, and we get to dance the night away. Prom experiences are different from person to person. Some may have made good memories on that night and some may wish prom never happened. Whether you have a date or not, it shouldn't stop you from making one of the best memory of your life. This is the very first night and only night in high school wherein you get to be someone that isn't your usual self. This is the time where a lot of transformations happen. The nerdy girl could become prom queen, the chubby girl could become prom queen, the acne-filled girl could become prom queen and you know what? possibilities are endless. So, to those people who are wanting to give themselves a new title or just recreate yourself in the eyes of the people, this is your chance.

   For me, personally prom was a good experience. Not the best but it was good. I had a date for prom but honestly, that night, I realized that prom isn't just all about having a "prince-charming" or "arm-candy" with you. It's about making memories with your friends/bestfriends because well, your "prince-charming" may not last for a long time but, friends stay. Well, REAL friends do. And one day, you will all look back to this memory and maybe cry or laugh your heads off. That's why it's good to get to bond with them on that night. I'm not saying leave your date for your friends, all I'm saying is that make time for your friends.

Of course, get involved during prom! Join the decorations-committee, sign up for prom queen or other contest, if you have a band, go perform! Just simply, go there and shine. Remember, it is your night.

During prom, I got involved with a lot of things namely: 

1.) I emcee-d.

2.) I participated in the cotillion.

3.) I joined the Ms. Junior competition.

Dress by: Mr. Erwin Lee Tan

I had a good time during my prom. You should also have a good time during yours, if you haven't had it yet. Well, don't just go for a good time. You should aim for an amazing one.

Makeup by: Ms. Melody Tinoy(McMahon)

Hope you guys liked this post. I'd love to hear about your prom experiences.


1 comment:

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    Visit mine too :)
